Life program

“The cross … is the total fulfillment of the messianic program that Christ once formulated in the synagogue at Nazareth and then repeated to the messengers sent by John the Baptist. According to the words once written in the prophecy of Isaiah, this program consisted in the revelation of merciful love for the poor, the suffering and prisoners, for the blind, the oppressed and sinners” (Dives in Misericordia, nr 8).

We have started the New Year. We have different expectations, hopes and maybe concerns about this time. Some people make New Year’s resolutions, make plans, and write down meeting dates in the calendar. You could say that we devise a program for our lives. At the beginning of this new year, it is worth considering whether this program agrees with the program that Jesus had for his life—for He always and everywhere did everything to reveal the merciful love of the Father for every human being, especially the most needy and suffering.

What are your desires, dreams and plans for the new year we have started?

Do you your plans agree with Jesus?

How can you become more like the Merciful Jesus this year?

All that Jesus did, He did it well. He went about doing good. In his demeanour He was full of goodness and mercy. Compassion guided his steps. For his enemies He had kindness, courtesy, and consideration; to those in need He offered His help and consolation.

“This month I have decided to reflect these characteristic features of Jesus as faithfully as I can, even though it may cost me a lot” (D 1175).