Mercy from generation to generation

“We have every right to believe that our generation too was included in the words of the Mother of God when she glorified that mercy shared in “from generation to generation” by those who allow themselves to be guided by the fear of God. The words of Mary’s Magnificat have a prophetic content that concerns not only the past of Israel but also the whole future of the People of God on earth” (Dives in Misericordia, 10).

Seeing God’s mercy in the story of her own life thus far, as well as in the history of her own nation, Mary glorified God’s mercy. Hearing of the great works that God had done in the past, experiencing His coming into her own life in such an extraordinary and unexpected way, she glorified God’s mercy also in all that God was about to do for our salvation. In this, her praise, we can hear the announcement of that mercy, which each of us also experiences in our own life! Mary’s Magnificat shows us a God who is faithful to his promises. Always!

Are you able to see God’s mercy in your life?

When you think about the future, what spontaneously appears in your heart – fear, uncertainty, or trust and confidence in God’s presence?

“Do with me as You please, O Jesus. I shall praise You everywhere. And may Your will be done in me, O my Lord and God, I shall praise Your infinite mercy.” Thanks to this act of surrender the terrible torments ceased. Then I saw Jesus, Who said, “I am always in your heart.” My soul was filled with inconceivable joy and Divine love which set my poor heart ablaze. I see that God will never allow anything beyond what we can bear. (Diary 78)