Good Friday – Novena to the Divine Mercy

Sister Faustina experienced Good Friday together with the suffering Jesus. She wrote: “Jesus pulls my soul into the very furnace of love. (…) Jesus lets me know how much He suffered for me” (Diary, 26).  

For St Faustina, it was a day repeatedly associated with the Divine Mercy message. It was on this day that she found out that she would be the instrument to proclaim the message of Divine Mercy when she saw the rays emitting from Jesus’ heart (see Diary, 414). “I saw Jesus tormented, but not nailed to the cross, it was still before the crucifixion, and He said to me, You are My heart, tell sinners of My mercy (Diary, 1666).  “At three o’ clock in the afternoon, when I came into the chapel, I heard the words I want this picture venerated publicly (Diary, 414).  I thirst. Then I saw the same two rays that are in the painting come out of His side” (Diary, 648).

Good Friday was also when the nine day novena to the Divine Mercy begins. “Jesus told me to say the Chaplet for nine days before the Feast of Mercy. It’s to start on Good Friday. Through this Novena, I shall grant all manner of graces to souls (Diary, 796).

Trusting that we can ask for all graces, let us join in praying the nine day novena together with the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy.