Holy Saturday – Hope

In the Diary we find just two notes made by St. Faustina on Holy Saturday. Both are full of hope and joy. 

The first is St Faustina’s reaffirmation that everything she wrote down, was in accordance with God’s will: “During Adoration, the Lord said to me, Rest assured, daughter, this work of mercy is wholly Mine, not yours at all; I’m pleased that you are faithfully carrying out what I have asked of you, and that you’ve neither added nor taken away a single word. And He gave me inner light, and I learned that not a word of it was mine; despite the difficulties and adversities, I have always, always done His will once I learned what it was” (Diary, 1667).

The second passage describes the evening of Holy Saturday: “During Vespers, I saw Jesus in a bright robe, shining as brilliant as the sun, and He said to me, Let your heart rejoice. And a great joy filled me, and the presence of God, which is the soul’s indescribable treasure, transfixed me” (Diary, 415).

Let us today especially abide in this Divine Presence, which is an inexhaustible treasure for the soul. Let us also meditate on the readings of today’s Paschal Vigil Liturgy that describes our merciful and loving God.