We are going through this year’s Paschal Feast in the face of painful events happening in the world that affect each of us to some degree. This is our Pasch. But one thing we can be sure of: the Pasch, [the passover] lived with Jesus always leads to new life. And even though evil seems to triumph today, the victory has already been won.
Jesus died for us and rose again, thus defeating all evil.
HE IS the Victor!
We wish for you and for each one of us, and for this we pray that we may partake of Jesus’ victory, accepting Him as our Lord and Savior. Through this act of trust, may we be given to experience the depth of Jesus’ peace as well as the joy and power flowing from His words:
“Take courage, I have conquered the world” (Jn 16:33).

United in paschal joy
Sisters from “Faustinum”