Schedule some time this Advent to read God’s Word daily.

Schedule some time this Advent to read God’s Word daily.
We invite you to join us on this journey. Sunday at 4:00 pm (Warsaw Time)
We invite you to listen to the second video conference of the Biblical Cycle with the following title ‘God the Merciful’ given by sr M. Terezjana Klepacka ISMM.
On November 13, 7 new members were admitted to the Association of the Apostles of Divine Mercy “Faustinum” at the meeting of the Board. Among them there are: 7 lay people: 2 from Poland, 1 from Canada, 4 from Italy. We are…
We invite you to listen to the video conference given by Canon Jason Jones. He will be presenting the ‘From the Bible’ sections of the book ’The Divine Mercy in the Bible and St Faustina’s Diary’. His first conference is based on the second chapter,…