Testimonies about that day...
Losia Radominski
- On this date, I was in my parish in Oregon in the United States, rejoicing with a very small group of devotees to Divine Mercy, that our previous efforts at bringing this devotion to Divine Mercy through Sr. Faustina for acceptance into our parish was now embraced by Holy Mother Church to the highest degree.
- Its meaning to me was that I could now speak of SAINT Faustina and Divine Mercy Sunday on our Church calendar. I no longer had to convince anyone of its validity, but could focus on its beauty. It was no longer a small private devotion, but a proclaimed part of the Church to be lived by and celebrated.
- Before St. Faustina’s canonization, I was very devoted to her, but her canonization brought me a great peace and joy that my conviction in the truth of her experience and the words our Lord spoke to her are truly the heart of our faith.
Sandy Cunningham

Dominique Fequiere Thebaud
On April 30, 2000, there was a charismatic seminar in Delmas Haiti and I had to drop my sister before going to mass around 7:30 am. On my way to mass Radio Soleil was talking about the new saint of the new century saint Faustina. While I was driving I said to myself, I feel close to her and need to purchase a book about her life.
Year 2000 was the beginning of a new century and I wanted to learn about that new saint and understand what was written on her diary. I purchased the book that explained how Jesus was close to her but sometimes very hard to read because she was an extraordinary soul and different from me.
Alex a lay woman and father Calixte were able to open a chapel in Peggy Ville and it became the divine mercy parish. Mgr. Miot translated the chaplet in creole and asked us to go to all seminars given by Faustinum to learn about the divine mercy and to relay the teachings on our return. I go in groups and explain the meaning of the image, the feast and prayers whenever groups call me. It has been an incredible journey and 20 years passed by the divine mercy chaplet was translated in creole and we go to all seminars and are still learning about the divine mercy spirituality.

Nada Sahlani
1. My desire was to be in Rome, but I was engaged in foreign mission as guide for pilgrimage but I did the feast of Divine Mercy I was United in prayers.
2. I was so happy, the desire of Jesus will be realised. Mercy will be spraid and known by the whole world, the children of God will believe and trust that God is Mercy.
3. I received a lot of grace through St. Faustina for my mission in Mercy, I was reading more her diary, she was example as apostolate and spiritual life. I followed her.

Rodolfo González
Apostolado Divina Misericordia
Costa Rica
I was at home in San José, Costa Rica. Since my country is 8 hours behind Rome time, the canonization happened for us during dawn. I had set my alarm clock in time to wake up so I could watch the ceremony via EWTN, just as I did. I experienced a deep joy, and an immense emotion, when I realized that -at that moment- I was living the historical moment related by Saint Faustyna, in numeral 1044 and followings, so long awaited.
It was a very important milestone in my life. In 1994 I read a biography of Sr. Faustyna, and that profoundly changed my life forever. Since then I began to spread, as much as possible, this treasure of the message of Divine Mercy. There was no room for emotion when I learned that the canonization was already dated. I wrote and edited 60,000 copies of a flyer, with the Image of Merciful Jesus, with a title that said: “Pope John Paul II will complete this month a task that he began 35 years ago,” that contained the basic information of the message. In the days before the canonization, I traveled, in my vehicle, almost all of my country, sometimes with my family, delivering the flyer in different churches. I wanted the people of my country to know about this great event, take advantage of it, and live it. I wanted to shout to the whole world the greatness of what we were going to live on that day.
Saint Faustyna had already changed my life since 1994. I feel that she introduced Jesus to me; a Jesus that until then I had never met in that way. And in doing so, she lit a fire in my heart that moves me to share the message of Divine Mercy as much as possible. At times, in my diffusion work, I had experienced rejection. After the canonization of Saint Faustyna, and the great role of John Paul II as an apostle of Divine Mercy, my work of diffusion of the message was completely facilitated: the message that I spread has, as a guarantor, a Saint of our Church, and, the endorsement and support of my beloved and admired John Paul II.
Eva Kimnes
During this time I was in Melbourne in Australia running young people’s formation group at the Divine Mercy Shrine in Keysborough, Melbourne. My father attended the Canonisation and he prayed for me, the whole family, and many others. He was very touched by this special Canonisation of our Saint Faustina with the Holy Father John Paull II as he was very devoted to the Divine Mercy mission all his life. My father said to me before he died that the most important thing in life was God’s mercy.
Sister Faustina’s Canonisation is a very important event in the mission of the universal Church and I believe also very crucial to me. The messages given by Jesus to Saint Sr Faustina were acknowledged as the true messages and mission and this gave me and all others who God calls, an opportunity to pay attention to the mystical life of this beautiful and courageous Saint. It was especially great that the Canonisation of Saint Faustina commenced the new millennium, bringing her mission to the attention of all Polish but also of the Church and the whole world.
I believe that I have been very touched by Saint Faustina. Four years later after her Canonisation, in 2004, with Father Kazimierz, we commenced united prayers at Divine Mercy Shrine in Keysborough with the involvement of young people. It was not my plan at first, but it was God’s will and I am very grateful to Merciful Jesus for His love and mercy for me and our community. I love this mission and I have tears in my eyes when I speak about Saint Faustina, who provides such great support for me and my mission work. Often I sense her love for the work we do here to continue and follow her wonderful and full of graces mission. Thank you, Jesus, for this beautiful calling and all that it is about Divine Mercy.

I looked the canonization in TV. It was a big, great touch for me, because we were waiting for years for this event. We have a relic from Faustyna in our housechapel and so Faustyna went deeper in my heart and prayers.
It was a big confirmation for our apostolate in this area and for Germany. Divine Mercy sunday was installed, very important for us. A big step in our apostolate.
We have more work in our apostolate, what is good. We have more peace, because of the words of JP II. And more eager to spread the message of Divine Mercy in Germany.
God bless you and all the sisters.

Fr Jason
It is a special joy to reflect on the great event of the canonisation of st Faustina. I was able as a seminarian to be in Rome for the beautiful event of the Beatification of Sr Faustina and for her to become Blessed Faustina. I was ordained a priest in 1997 and was then able to lead the celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday in the Parish. In my Diocese we already had the observance of the feast at our Cathedral since 1987 due to the presence of the Marian Fathers who were looking after the Polish Community in South Wales. However the celebration was not widely promoted it accepted.
The canonisation and the establishment of the feast as announced in the homily of St John Paul II greatly changed the awareness and acceptance and recognition of both Divine Mercy with its feast and the profile of St Faustina. It was no longer for the devotees on a Sunday afternoon once a year, it was no longer for those who were considered odd or religious freaks. The double canonisation of the raising of St Faustina to the altars and the establishment of a universal feast day now made it all a mainstream devotion and spirituality for the whole Church. The canonisation brought acceptance and recognition.
My other memory is that this canonisation was the first one of the new millennium of the year 2000. As we celebrated the wonder of the incarnation 2000 years ago the canonisation reminded us that Divine Mercy had become incarnate and that St Faustina would help us to contemplate the invisible mercy of God in the merciful face of Jesus.
The canonisation gave us a Saint, a feast and widespread diffusion of the image of Divine Mercy. It is said that the canonisation day was the happiest day in the life of St John Paul. We are immensely happy as he looks down from the window of heaven and sees us celebrating this 20 th anniversary day.

Kirshis Perello
I was in Rome that beautiful spring morning at the ceremony where Saint Faustina was canonized, it was an unforgettable experience. I had the opportunity of sitting in an area near to Pope John Paul II. As she was elevated to the altars I felt tears in my eyes, my heart was heart was filled with great joy.
The message that Merciful Jesus gave to Saint Faustina was going to reach more souls.
Seeing that the Divine Mercy Feast that we as a community celebrated since 1988 was instituted the second Sunday of Easter as our Merciful Jesus had asked was a great joy. I feel a greater compromise to keep spreading the message of the Divine Mercy as Saint Faustina did. It is my desire to be the secretary of the secretary of the secretary of Saint Faustina.

Elżbieta Woszczyna
On the day of canonization, I was with my family in the commons, in front of the Divine Mercy Shrine in Kraków-Łagiewniki. All meadow was crowded with thousands of pilgrims. We were watching the canonization ceremony via TV connection on a wall screen, and in this way, we were in Rome and in Kraków at the same time!. I remember the tears of pure joy surging through my heart and great gratitude to Divine Providence. Into the congregation of the saints admitted was the one who throughout her humble life filled with great suffering was striving for sanctity by fulfilling the mission of proclaiming to the world the message of Divine Mercy.
Saint Faustina showed me the power of trust in the Divine Mercy, and she became my beloved and unfailing intercessor in Heaven.
Fr. Emil Moraru
member of the Faustinum Group
Aliz Vasilescu
member of the Faustinum Group
Patricia Mederos